some council members Western nations felt the resolution

 The U.N. children’s agency UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the U.N. Population Fund said that “horrific attacks are killing and causing serious injuries to patients and health workers, destroying vital health infrastructure, and forcing thousands to forgo accessing health services despite catastrophic needs.” They called the attacks “an act of unconscionable cruelty.”

At U.N. headquarters, a draft U.N. resolution on the humanitarian crisis is being moved from the 15-member Security Council, where Russia has veto power, to the 193-member General Assembly, where there are no vetoes.

Co-sponsors France and Mexico said in a joint statement Monday that their “absolute priority” is to obtain an immediate halt to hostilities to protect Ukraine’s civilian population and allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to millions of needy people. They also said a significant number of countries not on the Security Council want to participate in promoting a resolution.

“We are witnessing the worst humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II,” said France’s U.N. ambassador, Nicolas De Riviere, and Mexican Ambassador Juan Ramon De La Fuente. “The humanitarian situation in Ukraine keeps deteriorating hour by hour,” with civilians dying every day and the number of refugees and internally displaced people continuing to grow.

“In order to allow for a vigorous united message to be sent by the international community, we have decided to take our initiative to the General Assembly,” the two envoys said.

Council diplomats said after that two weeks of closed-door discussions, the draft resolution would almost certainly have faced a veto by Russia in the Security Council if it called for an immediate end to hostilities, which the United States and its Western allies are seeking. If that were eliminated, as some council members sought, Western nations felt the resolution would be too weak, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the council discussions were private.

De Riviere told reporters: “Obviously, it would have been difficult in the Security Council.”

By taking the draft resolution to the General Assembly, the co-sponsors lose the prospect of the resolution being legally binding ― as Security Council resolutions are. But they could gain strong support for a call to halt violence and for language deploring the dire state of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

After Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution demanding an immediate halt to Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the withdrawal of all Russian troops, the General Assembly approved a similar resolution March 2 by an overwhelming vote of 141-5, with 35 abstentions.

De Riviere said France and Mexico are optimistic that all U.N. members will support an assembly resolution on access for humanitarian aid, cessation of hostilities and respect for international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions.


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